Who We Are

Our Mission

Harmony Grove United Methodist Church seeks in all things to be:

H-OSPITABLE (in extending the hand of Christ)

G-ENEROUS (extravagantly)

U-NITED (in worship)

M-ATURING (in faith development)

C-ARING (through outreach to the community and world)

Our Church History

Harmony Grove UMC traces its roots back to a group of worshipers in the early 1880’s that met at a brush arbor.  The first church was built in 1887, a one room building.

In 1939, major renovations began. The original church building was turned by horses in order to allow expansion. A new sanctuary was built by volunteer labor. An old pot-bellied stove was the only heat the church had until the 1940’s when a basement was dug by hand to allow the first furnace to be installed.

The sanctuary was remodeled in the 1950’s to include a change in the altar and the installation of new pews, pulpit furniture, and stained glass windows. In 1965, additional features were added: bathrooms and partitioned classrooms.

A fellowship hall was built in 1975.

The congregation took a tremendous leap of faith in 1994. They decided to destruct the old building and build a new sanctuary with education wings that would better serve the needs of the worshipers of Harmony Grove UMC.  Ground breaking was in 1996 and the consecration of the existing church was on December 14, 1997.

It is a debt free building.

For Our Visitors

Frequently Asked Questions

What do United Methodists believe?

As a part of the worldwide United Methodist Church family, we follow a set of Bible-based, God inspired beliefs set forth by our denomination. To learn more about our beliefs, CLICK HERE.

Where should I park? Is there handicapped parking available?

Ample parking, including handicapped, is available on the side and in back of the church.  The main entrance of the church is in the back of the church.

What should I expect?

Our worship style is traditional and service begins at 11:00 am each Sunday. 

Do you serve Communion?

Communion is typically served on the first Sunday of each month.  Communion is offered to all attendees, regardless of church affiliation.

What should I wear?

The dress is casual. You’ll see some in jeans and t-shirts and others in pants and dresses.

Is there Sunday School?

Yes.  Sunday School begins at 9:45am.

Is there Children's Church or a Nursery?

We do include a Children’s Message time within our Worship Service. There is a nursery available during our Sunday worship service as needed.  

Is the church available for events (i.e., weddings, funerals, etc.)?

Yes! Contact our office by phone at 336-712-0057 or email hgumcsec@bellsouth.net for more information.

How do I join the church?

Please discuss with Pastor Ryan Mendenhall. He will be happy to answer any questions that you may have. He can be reached after the service on Sunday, by email at rmenhendall@wnccumc.net, or by calling the church office at 336-712-0057. 

We would love to have you become a member!

Who We Are

Meet Our Pastor & Staff

Rev. Ryan Mendenhall

Donna Ireland

Church Administrator / Organist & Pianist


Lynette Harper

Music Director


Carolee Munsie

Church Treasurer